A ministry of: World Mission Int, Worship Center
Maryland Department ID: D13130638.

     For admission and enrollment in U.S and Europe Call/WhatasApp:
Dr Bonnie Etta: 2406969961 / 2404442169
In Africa: +237677408063 

               For Ordinations and Ministerial Licensing

Call/WhatsApp: Dr Bonnie Etta : (+1)2404442169

 We train men and women for the five-fold ministries and for international ministerial platforms 


World Impact Radio- free audio messages download

   Your donation will help us train and support  more pastors and missionaries around the world that will  transform their communities  and  lead people to salvation. Thank you. 
                            Graduation for our U.S and EU students will be on June 8th 2025 in Maryland                   and in March 16th 2025 for African students in Buea-Cameroon. 

Missionary opportunity available to teach at the World Mission Int, Bible College-Buea, Cameroon. Contact Us

   U.S. Physical address: 4200 Forbes Blvd 109 Lanham MD 20706

  Call, text, WhatsApp: +12406969961 / +237677408063


  Be the next to graduate with us
World Mission Int Bible College-University of Jerusalem


    We train and mentor men and women for international ministry 

Do you hunger for a deeper understanding of the word of God? Do you desire to take your calling and ministry to a new and exciting level? Do you have a call of God on your life and don't know what next to do? Do you desire to minister globally with total confidence? Then WMIBC is the right place for your ministerial Training.

International- cross-cultural- interdenominational-Spirit filled mentor-ship Bible college for International ministerial platforms

Study at the comfort of your home

with our course books or on Campus

USA Campus in Lanham, Maryland, USA. CALL: +12406969961

Our Africa Campus is in Buea-Cameroon, CALL: +237677408063

       PsRoda P Etta, School Administrator 


Partner with us as we dedicate to training pastors and ministers for the End Time harvest

  For Classroom studies {on Campus} students in Lanham Maryland contact: +12406969961

        For classroom studies in Cameroon, Africa                       

Call/whatsApp: +237677408063


Courses for the Advance Diploma in Ministry and Biblical studies.
1st semester courses. 

1. OT Survey

2. Dispensational Truths 

3. Homiletics

4. Hermeneutics

5. Angelology

6. Church administration 

7. Tithes

8. The prophetic ministry

9. Spiritual gifts

10. Typology 

Courses for the Advance Diploma in Ministry and Biblical studies. 

2nd semester courses.

1. The Tabernacle

2. Biblical Covenants 

3. Christian marriage 

4. Pastoral Ministry

5. Paul's missionary journeys 

6. The Book of Romance

7. The Book of Hebrews

8. The Book of Revelation

9. The Book of Daniel

10. NT Survey

11. Major doctrines of the Bible 

12. Foreign Missions


Courses for the Advance Diploma in Ministry and Biblical studies. 

3rd Semester courses

1. Christology

2. Pneumatology

3. Worship

4. Youth Ministry

5. Pastoral Counseling 

6. Personal Evangelism

7. Church planting 

8. Eschatology and Deception 

9. Effective Communication Skills 

10. Ministerial Departments and Church organization 

11. Dreams and visions/ Hearing from God

12. Practical Ministry.

Courses for the Advance Diploma in Ministry and Biblical studies. 

4th Semester Courses

1. 1 & 2nd Corinthians

2. Pastoral psychology

3. Church History

4. World Religions 

5. The Church

6. Anthropology

7. Bible Geography 

8. Pastoral Duties and church ordinances 

9. The Book of Galatians

10. Water Baptism and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

11. Prayer and fasting

12. Foreign Missions.


 For application and tuition information 

Call or whatSapp: +12406969961 

email: wmibiblecollege@gmail.com

 write to: World Mission Int Bible college-

 University of Jerusalem.

4200 Forbes Blvd Ste 109 Lanham MD 20706.USA




      You are welcome you to:  

                   World Mission Int Bible College                   

United states campus. 

4200 Forbes Blvd ste 109 Lanham MD 20706, USA

                                                  Tel: +12404442169


    World Mission Int Bible College,

Africa campus: Molyko- Buea, SWR Cameroon

                                     WhatSapp: +237677408063

  God wants to use you- He wants to speak through you-He wants to save souls through you.

     Say yes to Him today and come to WMIBC         


Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. Isaiah 6:8

How do i know i have a call for ministry?

Insight into this question can be found by going through a process by which we confirm God's direction: • through alignment of circumstances • prayerful impressions by the Holy Spirit • the counsel of others • reflecting upon our deepest desires • analyzing the pros and cons of the decisions/options (wisdom) • through insight from the Scriptures. • Personally hearing the Voice of the Lord in your heart.

Vision- Purpose-Mission- Leadership & Destiny.

Who is God calling you to be? What is God calling you to do? How can your life best reflect the Lord Jesus? What is your consuming passion? Are you ready to say yes to your calling? Decide to come to WMIBC, Request for application forms today. WRITE TO: wmibiblecollege@gmail.com

World Mission Int Bible College, is the place where individuals  for international ministerial platforms are equipped

 Can you imagine yourself graduating in the next two years? It is possible call or write today.

        Why WMIBC?

These are the types of questions that can be answered during a season of seeking the heart of God and evaluating where you’re at in the process. World Mission Int Bible College, can help you discover the destiny and purpose that God has built into your spiritual DNA. Why should you consider attending a Bible college—in general—and WMIBC in particular? 

To refine your passion while developing in character and integrity; • To set aside a significant amount of time from the usual and routine to hear from God; • To see and discover the Lord’s unfolding purpose for your life and destiny; • To take steps in humility, faith and obedience—like you’ve never done before; • To further prepare for your future in God’s perfect will; • To take advantage of a strong emphasis in biblical studies and practical ministry courses; • To grow and develop in the Holy Spirit’s empowerment; • To sharpen your skills as an excellent servant-leader in an environment of like-minded students with experienced and dedicated teachers and leaders.

      Call today for application and for more information: +12406969961 

 World Mission Int Bible College - A ministry of World Mission International Worship Center- USA


Contact us for admission and enrollment today

A ministry of: World Mission International Worship Center - 501{c}3 
MarylandDepartment ID: D13130638